
MORTON K L, Connelly R J, Carr, P A (1984). “The Influence of underground mining on Ground water” International Symposium on Ground water, Johannesburg, NWWA of USA.
MORTON K L (1985). “The estimation of inflows to underground coal mines using longwall extraction” Unpublished MSc thesis.
Bouw, P C and MORTON K L, (1987). “The importance of geophysical logging of boreholes“. Borehole water Journal Vol 6.
Middleton B J and MORTON K L (1987): “The optimisation of conjunctive use for water supply, a case study“. Proc Hydrological Sciences Symposium, Grahamstown. SANCIS.
Bouw P C and MORTON K L (1987) “Prediction of mine water inflow“. Mining and Metallurgical Innovation for the Nineties SAIMM, Johannesburg.
MORTON K L Bouw P C and Connelly R J (1988). “The prediction of minewater inflow“. Afr. Inst. Min Metall. Vol 88 no 77 pp 219 – 226.
Connelly R J, MORTON K L, and Bouw P C “The prediction of minewater inflows 1989“. Ground water and Mining 1989 Ground water Division of GASA.
MORTON K L and Owen N (1991) “Prevention of Pollution from a Coal Mine at the Planning stage“. Proc Biennial Ground water Convention Johannesburg Ground water Division of GASA.
MORTON K L (1992) “Mine and quarry dewatering, Institute of Quarrying“, Johannesburg, October 1992
MORTON K L (1993) “Advances in grouting technology, the hydrogeological approach, Mine drainage and environment protection from waste water disposal, Konkola copper mine“, Zambia September 1993
MORTON K L (1993) “A phased approach to mine dewatering, Mine drainage and environment protection from waste water disposal, Konkola copper mine“, Zambia September 1993.
MORTON K L (1993) “Evaluation of a fractured rock aquifer, Africa needs ground water“, Ground water division of the Geological Society of South Africa biannual convention, September 1993 Johannesburg.
MORTON K L (1993) “Open pit and underground dewatering, a case study from the Northern Cape“. Institute of Quarrying, 24th half yearly conference, Blydepoort, October 1993
MORTON K L (1993) “Evaluation of a fractured rock aquifer“. Proc biennial ground water convention, Africa needs ground water. Johannesburg 1993.
MORTON K L and van Niekerk F A (1993) “A phased approach to mine dewatering“. The first African symposium on mine drainage and environmental protection from mine waste water disposal. International Mine Water Association Konkola Zambia International Mine Water Journal Vol 12. 1993.
MORTON K L and van Niekerk F A (1993) “Advances in grouting technology, the Hydrogeological approach“. The first African symposium on mine drainage and environmental protection from mine waste water disposal. International Mine Water Association, Konkola Zambia, International Mine Water Journal Vol. 13, no 2. 1993.
Silverton T R and MORTON K L (1994) “Impact of ground water on mining at Finsch diamond mine“. 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham 1994.
MORTON K L and Preece C A (2000). “Data collection and aquifer structure of Finsch Mine“. International Association of Hydrogeologist XXX Congress Cape Town.
MORTON K L and Franszen A (2000). “The use of thermal imagery in ground water studies“. International Association of Hydrogeologists XXX Congress Cape Town.
MORTON K L (2002) “Back to basics the quest for good hydrogeological data“. Keynote address to the 9th Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Durban South Africa September 2002 (ed) van Rooy and Jeremy CA 2002.
Preece C A and MORTON K L (2002). “Geohydrological data collection at Finsch Mine in Engineering Geology for developing countries“, 9th Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Durban South Africa September 2002.
MORTON K L 2002. “Mine Dewatering“. Mining World May/ June 2002.
MORTON KL and Muller S 2003. “Hydrogeology of Venetia diamond mine“, South Africa SA Jnl Geol. Vol 106 pp193-204
Beaton R, Preece CA, Morton KL, Twiggs CA and Wilson AD (2007) “Block Cave dewatering: A case history from Finsch diamond mine, Northern Cape“. In 1st International symposium on block and sub level caving cave mining, Cape Town October 2007 SAIMMp239-264
Morton KL 2008 “The hydrogeology of kimberlite mines with specific reference to Finsch mine“. Unpublished PhD thesis Imperial College London
Morton KL Muresan M C and Ramsden F 2008 “Importance of pore pressure monitoring in slope stability in Surface mining“, international symposium Johannesburg SAIMM.
Morton KL African Mining September 2016 “Beating the recession through accurate mine water control
Morton KL 2017 “The business case for accurate Mine water management“. South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Water conference proceedings July 2017.
Morton KL and Bewsey J 2017 “Alternate solutions for acid mine drainage- making profit from waste“. South African institute of mining and metallurgy. Water Conference Proceedings July 2017
MORTON KL 2018 “The anatomy of mine water in carbonatite mines“. IMWA September 2018
MORTON KL 2018 “The WIN WIN solution for reducing acid rock drainage” IMWA September 2018
Morton KL 2020 “Risk reduction in tailings dams by using point piezometers for monitoring” SAIMM Conference on tailings management Johannesburg Feb 2020
Morton KL and De Freitas M 2020 (in press) “The Zone of Relaxation. Advanced Mine dewatering strategy for Finsch Mine South Africa“.
Morton KL WIN WIN “A women driven initiative for the clean up of mine dump residue” SAIMM tailings conference Johannesburg 10-13 February 2020 Johannesburg
Morton KL “Tailings dam risk reduction using accurate pore pressure monitoring” SAIMM tailings conference Johannesburg 10-13 February 2020 Johannesburg
Morton KL 2021 “Accurate diamond mine water control, a historical perspective and guidelines for modern deep underground diamond mines” SAIMM 2021
Morton KL 2021 “The use of mineral exploration drilling to kickstart hydrogeology data collection for Pre-Feasibility mining studies and beyond. International Mine Water Association Annual conference Wales 2021
Morton KL and van Heerden W 2021 “Advances in tailings monitoring for hydrogeologists” SAIMM International conference on tailings management SAIMM Jnl
Morton, Kym Lesley; Millsteed, Barry D; van Heerden, Wayne L; Carow, Albert; Msitsini, Moses (2023): Structural Logging And Modelling For Use In Simulation Of Inflows In Underground Hard Rock Mines. – In: Stanley, P.; Wolkersdorfer, C.; Wolkersdorfer, K., Mugova, E.: IMWA 2023 – Y Dyfodol | The Future. – p. 365 – 370; Newport, Wales, UK (International Mine Water Association).
Morton, Kym Lesley; Bovim, Alastair (2023): Advanced monitoring of Tailings Storage Facilities and dams to prevent failure. Illustrated with case studies from UK, Africa and South America. – In: Stanley, P.; Wolkersdorfer, C.; Wolkersdorfer, K., Mugova, E.: IMWA 2023 – Y Dyfodol | The Future. – p. 69 – 76; Newport, Wales, UK (International Mine Water Association).
Morton KL 2024 “A phased approach to mine dewatering – updated from IMWA 1993” West Virginia Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium & 15th International Mine Water Association Congress 2024. – p. 458 – 463
MORTON K L “Numerous publications in Engineering and Geological Magazines“.
Preparation and editing of a text book, “An introduction to Hydrogeology in South Africa“, sponsored by the Ground water Division of the Geological Society of South Africa and the Water Resource Commission.
Book – “Introduction to the hydrogeology of Southern Africa“. (in preparation)
Book – “Underground Mine dewatering design – a practical guide“. (in preparation)